Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Russia-Trump Investigation

I wrote a post a while ago about the possibility of Russian influence on the presidential election.  My initial post was filled with doubt and showed my speculation as to how serious social media posts about Trump really could have been.  At the time I really didn't think that these posts were a big deal or that the Russian influence in general was something to be worried about.  I saw this issue as more of a conspiracy theory.
Since then, I have seen this conspiracy be proven true.  It has been discovered that Trump and people involved in his campaign had previously been in contact with the Russians.  This was reportedly to find out secrets about Hillary Clinton that only the Russians knew.  It is very unsettling that there were so many people who were involved in American elections not only being heavily involved with Russia, but lying about it.  To me -- and I believe to most other people concerned about the Russian involvement in the American elections -- it is the lack of honesty that is the most unsettling about the whole thing.  The fact the Trump would claim no contact at all with Russia makes any contact at all very alarming.  Also, there is a question of what Russia would have to gain from helping Trump win the presidential election.
Because primarily of Steve Bannon's words, myself and many other Americans are learning about what Trump and others involved in his campaign were doing.  Bannon was part of Trump's campaign, but was fired by Trump after seven months of involvement.  Since being let go, Bannon has said that what Trump and those involved in his campaign did was treasonous.  He has accused Trump of money laundering and exposed him for using money from Russia for part of his campaign.  Not only that, but former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn admitted to lying to the FBI about the matter.  Other people that were involved with Russia were Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner, which makes it very hard to believe that Trump himself could have possibly been unaware of what was going on seeing as his own son was heavily involved in the scandal.
Overall, it is just embarrassing that we as U.S. citizens are learning that while Trump spent his entire campaign claiming that Hillary was 'crooked', that the same could be said of himself.  Trump has said that the investigation is 'very, very bad for our county' and is making 'our country look foolish.' but I think that he should not be blaming the investigation and instead should blame himself for giving a reason for the investigation in the first place.
Image result for bannon trump