Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Boy Throws a Cat into the Street

Recently, a young boy threw a cat into the middle of a street in Ontario, Canada.  This young man also was being recorded by his friend as the incident took place and allowed it to be posted to social media.  Unsurprisingly, this post revived a lot of backlash from viewers on twitter and other social media platforms.  The cat affected by this incident was not even his own cat and was actually his neighbor's new kitten that they had adopted as a stray.  Although he is thankfully still alive, Spot the cat suffered a broken leg.
It is appalling that this took place but it seems that there are groups trying to get charges pressed against this boy for his act of animal cruelty as an investigation is reportedly taking place as this video caught the attention of the Ontario Police Department.
It is so sickening that someone felt that they could just launch a kitten into the middle of a street for no reason.  I could not imagine what kind of state of mid he was in to think that it is okay to 'hurt a victim that can’t defend itself' as the cat owner put it.
I am not a vegetarian or vegan so I understand that I contribute to animals being killed, but I am also an animal lover and I have three cats.  Furthermore, I would be unable to harm an animal with my own hands or do something on purpose that I knew would hurt an animal, especially a kitten.  I would be disgusted and outraged if someone did this to one of my cats and I feel so badly for the owners of this cat that they have to go through this.
This small incident sheds light on a much larger issue -- that people are not treating their animals with enough respect.  This cat was not his cat, but regardless, if someone doesn't like cats they can walk away from them instead of attacking them.
I am so happy that boy is getting what he deserves and will hopefully learn to treat animals with more respect in the future, but no matter what, I don't forgive him for his actions because some things are just too terrible to be forgiven and the manner in which he went about abusing this cat reveals a character flaw and not just a slip up in my opinion.
Overall, I hope this story serves as a lesson to everyone to respect animals and to treat not only other people put pets with the same respect that you would hope to receive, and to think before you do something stupid.  Now, once found and hopefully convicted, this boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life and is facing charges because he was being irresponsible.
Image result for boy throws cat