Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Oprah is Alluding that She May Run for President in 2020

Source: Truth Theory | by Amanda Froelich

Politics have become such a joke, that a former joke might actually become a reality.

On Sunday night, during the Golden Globe awards, host Seth Meyers mentioned a previous conversation during the 2011 White House correspondents' dinner gig in which he mentioned Donald Trump not being qualified for president.

Said Meyers: 'Some have said that night convinced him to run. So, if that's true, I just want to say: Oprah, you will never be president! You do not have what it takes. And Hanks! Where's Hanks? You will never be vice president. You are too mean and unrelatable. Now we just wait and see.'

Oprah, who was seated in the front row, burst out laughing. But after accepting the Cecil B. DeMille award, she made a few comments that suggest she may, in fact, be considering a run for president in 2020.

As The Washington Post reports, Oprah delivered an incredibly moving speech that was personal, yet at the same time a universal call to action. 'I want all the girls watching here and now to know that a new day is on the horizon,' said the talk show host. The crowd at the Beverly Hilton responded with a standing ovation.

After the event, rumors spread fast about potential president elect, Oprah Winfrey. Her longtime partner, Stedman Graham, added fuel to the fire when he told the Los Angeles Times: 'It's up to the people. She would absolutely do it.' Her best friend, Gayle King, also told the outlet: 'I thought that speech was incredible. I got goose bumps.'

By the end of the night, the internet consensus was that Oprah Winfrey should run for president. To that bold notion, Oprah responded: 'I say, I'm just glad I got through the speech! I thought a lot about it. I wanted this to be a meaningful moment.' When asked if she would consider a 2020 presidential run, she replied: 'Okaay!' While this response was enthusiastic, it provided no further clarification.

According to CNN, two of Winfrey's closest friends have been urging her for months to run or office. After learning of the fact, Brad Anderson, the Iowa state director for former President Barack Obama's re-election, tweeted, 'Call me Oprah. I've got some Iowa county chairs who would love to hear from you.'

As a result of these happenings, it seems clear that many American citizens would be comfortable if Oprah did run for President — which she apparently is considering. Is this the best course of action, however? Since Donald Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States, the environment has put at-risk and the populace has become more divided than ever (among other happenings). Suggesting that Tom Hanks, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, or even Oprah should be the next leader is, in this author's opinion, an act of desperation. While there is no question these people, as individuals, have much to contribute to the world, their place is not in politics.

As Paul Waldman wrote in an opinion piece for The Washington Post:

'It's tempting to see all this attention paid to Oprah and say, 'Hey, at least she'd be better than Trump.' That's indisputably true, but it's also beside the point. The question for Democrats is who would win and who would be the best president of all the available options. Neither I nor anyone else really knows how she would respond to the challenges of that most challenging job. Being president isn't like hosting a talk show or running a media brand. Oprah's success in her field is no more indicative of her potential to be a good president than Trump's success in real estate was. You can't criticize Trump for having no relevant experience or evident understanding of public policy, then say that the solution for Democrats is just to throw up their hands and find their own celebrity to promote.'

Perhaps the populace should consider the merits of government at all before it elects another 'leader' to keep an outdated, broken system in place. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!

Read more: Oprah Winfrey Leads All Star Cast In A Movie Exploring Quantum Mechanics And Astral Travel

Image Credit: Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson