Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR as of Jan. 9, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Jan. 9 2018

Compiled 12:15 am EDT 9 Jan. 2018 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery; Author, 'Twenty Two Faces,'

Source: Dinar Chronicles

A. June 8 2018 8:45 pm TNT Call RayRen98, Tony: TNT Showtime CC w/ RayRen98, Tony Notes by Adept1 1-8-18 Replay: AUDIO REPLAY LINK 641.715.0623, CODE 409029#

1. Iraq and the CBI are saying they are done, complete, but no one will have advance notice – it will just get done.

2. The Dinar has been completely reinstated throughout Iraq. Electronically, all the cards are being used here in the US, in England and Canada, so they are international.

3. The IMF has nothing to do with the RV or RI because it’s already been completed. We’re just waiting for an announcement. The banks here are very excited about something this morning, and they won’t tell me what it’s about, but did say we would be very pleased. I hope it is preparations for this week.

4. Today was the first banking day of the year, and they completed their hookups yesterday Jan. 7.

5. There are over 60 banks that are selling dinar in the US, and international credit cards are active. Visa and MasterCard are finally realizing they can make money from Iraqi dinar.

6. The Zim was being treated as a bond and would be paid out over 25 years.

7. The 500 million Zim note was on the list of notes to be released originally (by Zimbabwe) but the government chose not to because many counterfeit notes were released before the official 500 million notes were released. That doesn’t mean that you hold counterfeit 500 million Zim notes, just that they were not accepting 500 million notes at this time. They might do so later on, along with the other denominations.

8. The contract rates would be available until the new currency rates hit the Forex.

9. The majority of contract rates have been soaked up by people who own the groups, though there may be as much as 40% still out there. I was told that people could get above the international rate, somewhere between 10% and 40%.

10. We are looking for something this week for the 800#s to be released.

11. It will come out on Forex on the 15th.

12. The tax would be paid on our exchange before we exchange. This is not considered income.

13. Iraq has reinstated the Dinar. The US Treasury has released this. The banks are excited. Iraq wants everyone to be paid by Jan. 12. They set that date for a reason.

14. This should have gone (on the Forex) on Jan. 2, then it was moved to Jan. 15, That’s when the UN rates change.

15. The tax laws and banking laws have all changed, so we’re done with that. We are getting calls saying it has been released, and the banks say they see the new rates but they’re under ‘administrative hold’. The US Treasury has given their authorization. The plan is for it to go on Forex next Monday Jan. 15.

16. It really could be any day. If it doesn’t happen today, that is one day less before this goes on Forex. We don’t need an actual announcement to go through. The bank is setting the rates now; I just don’t know if they can do that after if goes on Forex, so they have to exchange us prior to that Forex announcement.

17. There will be a 1.5% exchange fee. The exchange fee is what the bank is charging you to complete your exchange. I know one person who paid 2% exchange fee and someone else who paid 0%. If you pay an exchange fee, you should not get hit with a spread fee. But we’ll all have to wait and see.

18. On the Zim: If the rate is .0000012, the total for a 100 trillion note will be 120 million. For one 100 billion note, the result would be 120 thousand, and for 100 million, it will be $120.

19. They said the Zim would float between .0000011 and .0000022.

20. There are some contract rates for the Zim, but you have to develop humanitarian projects and submit them to the bank prior to exchange. You also have to have a foundation or trust set up for your Zim exchange. So you must have an approved trust and plan, and be partnered up with someone in Africa. It would then be paid out 80/20, but then the rate is dollars rather than pennies. It’s convoluted, but if you go into the bank they will explain it to you and you may have some time to set it all up.

21. At one point they said they’d pay the Zim out over 100 years, and now it is down to 25 years. If you exchange one note = $120 million, which is five million per year; also, they would also be paying you interest on the capital, which might be 10 million per year. I will ask them at what point it goes to a structured payout; I think it’s over 500 million USD.

22. The 800 number call should take three minutes, maximum; the exchange appointment is supposed to last 20 minutes. Anything after that should take place at the wealth manager’s office, and there are different levels of wealth managers as well.

23. You have to feel comfortable about what you want, because some things you will negotiate at the exchange appointment and some with the wealth manager, based on what you have. The more you have, the more likely they will make you a good offer because they want to keep that in the bank.

24. Iraq was signing contracts on Sat. Jan. 6. The new rates were in the contracts.

25. The Dinar rate has been reinstated plus interest. That’s why the rate is $3.71 right now. They want the rate of Dinar to start at $3.47 and go up to $6. They will not offer someone with a million dollar the rate of $6-7. That person might need to wait on Forex.

26. They cannot even do the next part until that rate is released, though so long as they have their cards they can spend money. Every citizen should be paid by Jan. 12.

B. Jan. 8 2017 7:25 am EST Intel Update, Tank: 'SpaceX' - GCR/RV SPEAK Intel Update - Tank - 1.8.18

1. There was an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) dropped last night Jan. 7 from SpaceX, allegedly to disable the electrical power grid in North Korea thus precluding an attack that could disrupt the exchange process.

2. 'SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket successfully launched a top secret U.S. government payload into orbit, while returning its first-stage booster to the ground for reuse.

3. The Falcon lifted off at 8 p.m. EST Jan. 7 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. As the first-stage of the Falcon returned to Earth for an upright landing, the upper stage lofted the mysterious Zuma, presumed to be a spy satellite or military communications satellite, into an undisclosed orbit.'

4. It was reported late last night Jan. 7 from sources in the Middle East that all accounts worldwide were active and liquid.

5. CORE group were supposed to be liquid this morning, again.

6. We're supposed to get numbers around the same time that they went liquid.

7. Seventeen countries were in Iraq to sign international contracts today Jan. 8. This act would not be possible without a rate that reflected the true value of their currency.

8. A reverse governing system, designed to ensure the ongoing safety of the people, has been initiated.

C. Jan. 8 2018 7:49 am EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for January 8, 2018

1. Multiple sources have confirmed a massive threat appeared yesterday, Jan. 7 and was neutralized by the Alliance.

2. The RV release that was scheduled yesterday Jan. 7 was military deception. A threat appeared and it was neutralized, the Cabal fell for the bait as expected.

3. There's only so very few of Cabal remaining, eventually, there won't be any more of them.

4. The RV is once again scheduled for release today Jan. 8.

5. Military deception again or not? Nobody knows. That's the point.

6. If no more threats appear, the Alliance will begin the transition event. Starting with the RV, then the GCR, and GESARA. Victory is on the horizon.

D. Jan. 8 2018 7:49 am EST Intel Update: 'Alleged EMP' - GCR/RV SPEAK Intel Update - Tank - 1.8.18

1. There was an alleged EMP dropped from SpaceX on North Korea last night designed to disable their electrical power and thus any ability they'd have to launch an attack to disrupt the exchange process

2. Reported late last night Jan. 8 from sources in the Middle East that all accounts world wide are active and liquid

3. CORE group supposed to be liquid this morning Jan. 8, again.

4. We're supposed to get numbers around the same time that they go liquid

5. We were told numbers would be released at 6PM EST on Sun. Jan. 7 that obviously did not happen.

6. There were 17 countries in Iraq to sign international contracts today Jan. 8. This act would not be possible without a rate that reflected the true value of their currency.

E. Jan. 8 2017 10:43 am EST KTFA, Frank26: 'It will Begin on the 12th' - Mon. AM KTFA Frank26 Video Excerpt/News (From Dec. 31 2017 Video)

1. Iraq would close on Jan. 2.

2. The asset-backed USD would be launched on a digital platform on Jan. 4.

3. Iraq would meet with the IMF to do monetary reform on Jan. 7, 8.

4. Banks around the world would do an annual software update on Jan. 8, then there should be a 72 hour wait.

5. On Jan. 9 to 11 a window would open for Iraq to show a rate.

6. We would be watching the Central Bank of Iraq website to make public their new Dinar rate from Jan. 12 on.

F. Jan. 8 2018 7:46 am EST: Benjamin Fulford Report (Excerpt): 'Final Showdown Looms' -- January 8, 2018 By Benjamin FulfordWhite Dragon Society

1. The ongoing war over the control of the financial system, and thus control over the future of the planet, is reaching a dangerous crescendo, multiple sources agree.

2. The U.S. military distracted world attention last week with a fake feud between U.S. President Donald Trump and his former consiglieri Steve Bannon while they used SpaceX to launch their secret Zuma satellite, Pentagon sources say.

3. This ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) satellite was launched as the U.S. government’s January 31st payment deadline looms, and will be used against North Korea.

4. The U.S. petrodollar system is in mortal danger these days now that major oil exporters Russia, Venezuela, and Iran are selling oil without going through the dollar system. U.S. agency attempts at regime change in Iran and Venezuela have failed so far; emboldening other major energy exporters like Qatar and Indonesia into thinking of bypassing the petrodollar as well. Furthermore, Russia just doubled its oil export capacity to China on January 1st with a new pipeline.

5. Pakistan has also dealt a serious blow to the old system by announcing it will use Chinese yuan in trade, while expelling 1.4 million Afghans and inviting China to build a military base there. This means that heroin income from Afghanistan could be threatened. Since the petrodollar is more accurately described as the petro-narco-dollar, this also a big blow to the old system.

6. With this background, China is considering January 18th as the starting date for oil futures trading denominated in Chinese yuan and gold.

7. This is why Pentagon sources are talking about an EMP attack, while CIA sources are saying, as reported last week, that a back door is going to be used to “shut down the financial system.”

8. Top ranks of the Satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia in the U.S. have been decimated.

9. The White Hats are now grabbing top European pedophiles and Khazarian mobsters and taking them to the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia Island, Pentagon sources say.

10. Julian Assange is now in U.S. military custody and has provided actionable information to U.S. military and agency White Hats.

G. Jan. 8 2018 2:12 am EST: The Holy Grail of QAnon: Learn to Read the Map

H. Nov. 11 2017 Through the Looking Glass Learn To Read The Map:

I. Jan. 8 2018 PizzaGate:

J. Jan. 8 2018 2:08 am EST The Storm Update: The Storm Update -- Trump's Hurricane on the Swamp

Summary Updates for the last seven days:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 8, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 7, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 6, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 5, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 4, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 3, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 2, 2018

Attention Lightworkers -- You are Becoming a Galactic Human

Attention Lightworkers - You are Becoming a Galactic Human

When Sheldan Nidle was a young boy, he and his sister were contacted by Sirian 5th- dimensional beings who were members of the Galactic Federation. For a number of years, Sheldan was educated aboard a Sirian mothership. When he was14, he decided to go his own way and pursue an interest in science. Some years later, the Sirians contacted Sheldan again and explained that he was needed to represent the Galactic Federation on earth. His mission: to spread the message that we are to become Galactic Humans and to activate that awareness in humanity. In 1997, Sheldan founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO).

Over the years, Sheldan has provided lightworkers with weekly GF updates and numerous Webinar lectures. He does not channel his messages but is contacted through an implant. For over 20 years, he has revealed almost everything we need to know about our past, present and Galactic future.

In early October, after he had temporarily lost the use of his legs, Sheldan entered hospital for urgent back surgery. While the operation was a success, Sheldan was badly affected by the anesthetic and post-operative drugs. Only now, months after his crisis, is Sheldan showing visible signs of recovery from their after- effects.

His recovery is multifaceted. He is slowly becoming more ambulatory but a lingering anesthetic fog has made it difficult for him to stay focused. He has good and bad days. HIs caregiver professionals all assure us that, with time, he will be as good as new.
You are probably wondering why we are writing this message.

While Sheldan is recovering, we as lightworkers can support him and the PAO by spreading the Galactic Federation's message to humanity.

We all have relatives, friends, and colleagues who may be ready to be awakened. Right now, the world has never been more chaotic. If ever there was a time for us to play an active role in sharing Sheldan's messages, NOW IS THAT TIME!

To help you, we have prepared a 'You are Becoming a Galactic Human' information page on our PAO Website. Included are links to his Webinar, Galactic Humans 101. Other links will point to short Webinar clips not covered in the GH101 Webinar. Links to Sheldan's books, Webinar archives, and free PAO newsletter are also included.

To assist Sheldan and the PAO in humanity's awakening process, we ask you to send the 'You are Becoming a Galactic Human,' link to at least 3 friends who are unfamiliar or unclear about Galactic information.

You are Becoming a Galactic Human Link:

From the fullness of our hearts, the PAO Team thanks you for your participation. Truly, Together we are Victorious!

Selamat Ja!
PAO Team
(Sheldan, Colleen, Miles and Rhonda)

(Video) Exposed: The Clinton's and the CIA, Trafficking Cocaine -- Documentary

The Clinton family have been heavily involved in the trafficking of drugs, both inside and outside of the United States.

Arkansas home of the Mena airport, a major pick up and drop off location for drug shipments handled by the CIA. In fact, it is estimated by U.S. customs that at least 75% of all drug smuggling aircraft have passed through this area.

The famous drug smuggler Barry Seal was one of the pilots in this operation and claims he trafficked several billion dollars worth of drugs in just 3 years of working for the CIA before getting caught.

He was able to get a plea deal and intended to turn state witness against bigger names within the drug smuggling operation, which some people believe included Clinton. Before Seal could ever implicate any higher ups though, he was found murdered in his car.

Bill Clinton has been accused of being a major player in the Mena, Arkansas air base drug trafficking operation. Perhaps most credible of these accusers, is CIA whistleblower Terry Reed who has since written a book detailing just exactly how the CIA, in partnership with Bill Clinton, smuggled drugs into Arkansas.

More than just being accused though, Bill Clinton's administration while governor of Arkansas, clearly suppressed investigations;

Another whistleblower, Larry Nichols, then marketing director of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, has also come forward and not only exposed Bill Clinton's role in the smuggling of drugs and the illegal laundering of drug money, but claimed that his wife, Hillary, was just as involved as he was. In fact, Nichols, a former green beret, was a strong man for them and claims he carried out assassinations on their behalf as well. When you consider the long list of extremely mysterious deaths and assassinations surrounding people who got too close to the Clintons this is certainly plausible.

(Video) Michael Flynn Reveals Deep State Secrets

Published on Jan 8, 2018

Micheal Flynn reveals deep secrets of the deep state SEE WHY HE WAS FIRED.

9000 Sealed Indictments -- Rumors of Impending Mass Arrests/Indictments Continue

Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks during a vigil ceremony marking the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at the Department of Justice on Sept. 11, 2017. (Image Source: Getty Images)

Source: DiscerningTheMystery | by Joshua Philip

The answer is uncertain at this point, but let's be more specific. The entire reason why indictments are sealed is multi-faceted. If a court were to produce an indictment against a suspected offender, there would need to be certain precautions taken in order to insure the indictment was successful.

We have heard that these indictments are sealed to prevent suspects from fleeing, destroying evidence, or sabotaging the case in some way. However, these files might also be sealed in order to avoid tipping off other possible conspirators of the crimes involved in these cases. To add, if federal law enforcement needed to gain further leads on potential suspects they might let word of the indictments circulate, wait for a time, and then see which suspects lose their nerve and make a run for it.

In this way, law enforcement might use some of these indictments as a scare tactic in order to flush out suspects that they may not have been aware of prior. The possibilities are numerous, it seems. However, instead of further speculation, let's examine the facts of the situation.

What we know from the situation is that the corporate media has not touched the story of these indictments. This seems to suggest that either the media does not consider the story very substantial, or they are deliberately attempting to further cover for the Deep State as they did all through 2017—not to mention the previous two to three decades.

These indictments do exist, according to reports. It is the number of indictments which has been the point of confusion. Are there truly over 9,000 of these files, as researchers suggest, or could the number be even greater (or possibly lesser)?

While we consider these things here is a previously deleted article coming from the Epoch Times. The article appears to have been deleted very soon after it posted for reasons unknown.

Since late October, more than 9,000 sealed indictments have been filed in districts across the United States. Sealed indictments are typically used in prosecuting individuals or criminal networks in cases where revealing names could lead individuals to flee or destroy evidence.

As of Dec. 22, 2017, there were 9,294 sealed indictments, according to data collected by researchers and gathered from the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service of the federal judiciary. This includes 1,224 in the central district of California, which includes Los Angeles; 194 in Washington; and 248 in the southern district of New York.

The number of indictments filed in less than three months is in stark contrast to previous years. According to a 2009 report from the Federal Judicial Center, in all of 2006, there were only 1,077 sealed indictments, and these were about 0.96 percent of all criminal cases that year.

According to Marc Ruskin, a former FBI undercover agent and author of 'The Pretender: My Life Undercover for the FBI,' it's unclear whether the current sealed indictments are connected, but the high number is something he never saw in his 27 years as an agent.

Ruskin said the large number of sealed indictments may explain the relatively low profile maintained by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 'If he's been occupied with an initiative that is sort of under wraps and being conducted covertly, it would explain why he hasn't had a prominent position in the media as of late—because these are things he can't talk about,' Ruskin said.

It's uncertain what the sealed indictments are related to, but there is speculation. Some say the sealed indictments may be related to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Others speculate that the indictments are related to human trafficking networks.

Because of the large number, Ruskin said the indictments 'can't all be related to the special prosecutor, because that would be a little fanciful to all be interrelated to Mueller and the work he's doing—although he may have a certain number of sealed indictments that we don't know about.'

Since the indictments are sealed by a judge, it would be illegal for anyone to reveal their content. Yet, as Ruskin pointed out, with political cases it's not uncommon for details to be leaked to the press. He said the lack of chatter in legacy news outlets may suggest that the higher-ups have no political interest in leaking their content.

He also noted 'there has been no chatter in the retired FBI circles.'

Ruskin said that among the causes mentioned for the surge of sealed indictments, the most plausible, he believes, is that it is related to human trafficking. Even his work investigating the mafia didn't generate anywhere near as many sealed indictments as those currently pending; but with a human trafficking network, he said, there would be multiple groups operating in multiple districts—which fits the profile.

This would also fall in line with recent actions of President Donald Trump, who on Dec. 21, 2017, signed an executive orderdeclaring a national emergency over human rights abuses and corruption. Trump declared January 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

Ruskin said: 'It would be consistent with the large number of sealed indictments, because it is a problem that's nationwide. If there was a national initiative involving the Justice Department, and the FBI and ICE, let's say, focused on that issue, then that would be a crime problem that would be bi-coastal and would involve multiple districts.'

'That could plausibly account for all the sealed indictments,' Ruskin said. 'That would be more plausible than most other explanations.'

It seems particularly unlikely that the sealed indictments have much to do with the alleged Russian influence in the election. This narrative of Russian collusion in the 2016 election was admittedly fabricated by various interests including CNN and possibly other parties within media. It also appears that as many corporate media, social media, and other institutions refuse to represent the President in any balanced way, that this narrative was simply another attempt at smearing Donald Trump while distracted from the consistently censored issue of Pedogate.

Though it is clear that the President has his share of issues, none of these issues excuse the extreme bias shown by corporate media. The fact of the anti-President narrative the mainstream that has been running ever since late 2016, combined with the all but complete silence on the topic of rampant pedophilia in government, seems to reveal that the media is not holding up its end with regard to honest reporting.

Referring to an article from another website, we can see where the notion of the 9,000 indictments came from. However, when we view the apparent data, we might notice something. The following table comes from the website, the Nexus News Feed.

The numbers appear to add up to around 4,000 to 5,000 indictments in each column. It is at the bottom where we see the number adding up to 9,294, but the ways in which these numbers were totaled comes across as ambiguous. It is unclear as to why one column represents the total indictments from one date, and then omits over 100 of those same indictments in the Update column.

Can we be certain that the update is more reliable then the original? The answer seems unclear.

According to other sources, the number was confirmed to be around 4,000, but of course, the numbers may vary depending upon the source.

It is fine, I believe, that we consider the possibility that there could be more data to be uncovered with regard to these sealed indictments. It is always a good idea to verify any source which makes claims with regard to the details of forthcoming information.

It does appear that these indictments are real (though the exact numbers are questionable), considering all that has transpired since the beginning of October, 2017. It will be interesting to see the developments that follow the announcements of these indictments, and even more interesting to see the rapid changes within the U.S. and the world once justice is finally served.

(Video) Poles Weakening/Solar Storms, New Graphic | S0 News Jan.9.2018 -- Suspicious0bservers

Beer as a Renewable Fuel: Vehicles Could Run on it by 2022

Source: FutureScienceNews | by Janine Acero

Scientists from the University of Bristol have managed to create fuel from beer by converting its active ingredient, ethanol, into butanol through petrochemical processes similar to how gasoline is refined.

According to Professor Duncan Wass, lead author of the study (published in the journal Catalysis Science and Technology): 'One of the great benefits of using butanol as a fuel is that it can be used with current petrol cars with no or very little modification. This is a drop-in replacement for current petrol.

'Ethanol would be converted to butanol in a large plant very much like the current petrochemical/refining industry, and then butanol would be put in the car by the consumer.'

Making fuel from beer

Bioethanol is already a widely-used alternative to gasoline worldwide. However, ethanol cannot entirely replace gas as it is corrosive to engines. Also, ethanol is extremely water-soluble and possesses a lower energy density than gasoline.

Scientists can convert ethanol to butanol in laboratory conditions with pure, dry ethanol using a catalyst, a substance used to speed up the chemical reaction.

The process is currently capable of producing a few hundred grams of butanol from beer, but it can't be used on an industrial scale. As Professor Wass points out, the substance created by the technology they developed is 'not enough to fill a car's tank just yet!'

However, experts predict that cars could be running on this type of fuel in five years' time if the process goes smoothly, potentially ending our reliance on gasoline. For now, it is still 'very much at the laboratory scale.' (Related: How Ethanol Fireplaces Burn Alternative Fuel.)

Alternatives to petrol

While gasoline and diesel remain the main sources of motor fuel, there are some well-known alternative fuels that have been in use aside from bioethanol. These include:

Non-fossil natural gas – This fuel can produce fewer harmful emissions than gasoline or diesel. However, it also produces methane, a type of greenhouse gas.

Hydrogen – This can be mixed with natural gas to create an alternative fuel for vehicles that use certain types of internal combustion engines. While it produces no harmful emissions, hydrogen-based fuel can be costly.

Methanol – Also known as wood alcohol, methanol can be used as an alternative fuel in specific vehicles that run on methanol power. Methanol could become a source of hydrogen needed to power fuel-cell vehicles, but automakers are no longer manufacturing methanol-powered vehicles.

– This alternative fuel is based on vegetable oils or animal fats. It can be blended with petroleum diesel and is safe, biodegradable, and reduces air pollutants such as particulate matter and carbon monoxide. However, biodiesel production and distribution are limited.

– Battery-powered electric vehicles benefit from this alternative fuel. These vehicles store power in batteries that are recharged by plugging the vehicle into an electrical source. Electricity for transportation is highly efficient and is one of the greenest options concerning vehicle emissions.

Whether you love beer or loathe it — you can learn more scientific advances regarding beer as an alternative fuel by visiting

Satellites Could Help Forecast the Next Outbreak of Cholera

Source: Futurism

Cholera outbreaks continue to take thousands of lives year after year. Using satellite data and specialized algorithms, one group was able to accurately predict an outbreak weeks in advance. This tool could give communities time to prepare.


The outbreak of disease is the life-threatening start of a worst-case scenario, with the potential to become an epidemic or even a pandemic. For this reason, monitoring for potential outbreaks is a major public health concern. According to a successful new successful test in Yemen, public health technologies could be getting a major upgrade: disease outbreak satellite monitoring.

In May of 2017, scientists used satellite information to determine the potential for a cholera outbreak to occur in Yemen. In a surprising victory, they were able to predict an outbreak that occurred mere weeks later.

Every year, over 100,000 people die from cholera infections. Containing and properly responding to outbreaks is critical to preventing death from this waterborne bacterial disease. The use of satellites to predict outbreak in such an accurate way could become a more widespread and vital tool that could ultimately save thousands of lives.


To make their predictions, the team used a few satellites to monitor temperature, water storage, precipitation, and land use. Combining this raw data with an algorithm specially designed by the team, trained on data from southern Asia and parts of Africa, they were able to predict which specific areas were most at risk for an outbreak within the next month.

This could be a life-saving tool going forward. Similar satellite-based efforts have seen success in predicting the outbreak of meningitis, which is more common in dry and dusty conditions, in Africa. NOAA and NASA are also using satellites to predict when both Sub-Saharan Africa and the Amazon Rainforest are at risk of malaria outbreaks.

Accurate forecasts could be particularly life-saving when it comes to cholera. While communities that live on the coast are typically prepared for occasional outbreaks of the disease, inland communities are often taken by surprise, as these outbreaks are more difficult to predict. Antarpreet Jutla, a hydrologist and civil engineer at West Virginia University who led the Yemen study, told Scientific American that inland communities usually don't have vaccines or solutions to help remedy dehydration, which often kills victims before the disease runs its course.

'That's the value of disease forecasting,' Michael Wimberly, an ecologist at South Dakota State University who is remotely monitoring West Nile virus, said to Scientific American. 'To be able to anticipate the right place, a little bit ahead of time, so we can get those tools out there.'

Image Credit: Pexels

Oprah is Alluding that She May Run for President in 2020

Source: Truth Theory | by Amanda Froelich

Politics have become such a joke, that a former joke might actually become a reality.

On Sunday night, during the Golden Globe awards, host Seth Meyers mentioned a previous conversation during the 2011 White House correspondents' dinner gig in which he mentioned Donald Trump not being qualified for president.

Said Meyers: 'Some have said that night convinced him to run. So, if that's true, I just want to say: Oprah, you will never be president! You do not have what it takes. And Hanks! Where's Hanks? You will never be vice president. You are too mean and unrelatable. Now we just wait and see.'

Oprah, who was seated in the front row, burst out laughing. But after accepting the Cecil B. DeMille award, she made a few comments that suggest she may, in fact, be considering a run for president in 2020.

As The Washington Post reports, Oprah delivered an incredibly moving speech that was personal, yet at the same time a universal call to action. 'I want all the girls watching here and now to know that a new day is on the horizon,' said the talk show host. The crowd at the Beverly Hilton responded with a standing ovation.

After the event, rumors spread fast about potential president elect, Oprah Winfrey. Her longtime partner, Stedman Graham, added fuel to the fire when he told the Los Angeles Times: 'It's up to the people. She would absolutely do it.' Her best friend, Gayle King, also told the outlet: 'I thought that speech was incredible. I got goose bumps.'

By the end of the night, the internet consensus was that Oprah Winfrey should run for president. To that bold notion, Oprah responded: 'I say, I'm just glad I got through the speech! I thought a lot about it. I wanted this to be a meaningful moment.' When asked if she would consider a 2020 presidential run, she replied: 'Okaay!' While this response was enthusiastic, it provided no further clarification.

According to CNN, two of Winfrey's closest friends have been urging her for months to run or office. After learning of the fact, Brad Anderson, the Iowa state director for former President Barack Obama's re-election, tweeted, 'Call me Oprah. I've got some Iowa county chairs who would love to hear from you.'

As a result of these happenings, it seems clear that many American citizens would be comfortable if Oprah did run for President — which she apparently is considering. Is this the best course of action, however? Since Donald Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States, the environment has put at-risk and the populace has become more divided than ever (among other happenings). Suggesting that Tom Hanks, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, or even Oprah should be the next leader is, in this author's opinion, an act of desperation. While there is no question these people, as individuals, have much to contribute to the world, their place is not in politics.

As Paul Waldman wrote in an opinion piece for The Washington Post:

'It's tempting to see all this attention paid to Oprah and say, 'Hey, at least she'd be better than Trump.' That's indisputably true, but it's also beside the point. The question for Democrats is who would win and who would be the best president of all the available options. Neither I nor anyone else really knows how she would respond to the challenges of that most challenging job. Being president isn't like hosting a talk show or running a media brand. Oprah's success in her field is no more indicative of her potential to be a good president than Trump's success in real estate was. You can't criticize Trump for having no relevant experience or evident understanding of public policy, then say that the solution for Democrats is just to throw up their hands and find their own celebrity to promote.'

Perhaps the populace should consider the merits of government at all before it elects another 'leader' to keep an outdated, broken system in place. What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!

Read more: Oprah Winfrey Leads All Star Cast In A Movie Exploring Quantum Mechanics And Astral Travel

Image Credit: Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson

An Oprah 2020 Presidency Predicted by a Cartoon 12 Years Ago

Source: Truth Theory | by Luke Miller

First Trump's presidency was predicted in an episode of 'The Simpsons' from 2000, now Oprah's 2020 presidency has been precognatised from a 2006 episode of 'The Boondocks'

The scene appeared in the first season, Episode 9 with an episode called 'Return of the King.' The episode aired in 2006 and features a shot in which Oprah is president -in 2020, the year that (if rumours are to be believed) she may run.

This is not the first time presidency has been predicted in cartoon entertainment, with a 2000 episode of The Simpsons named 'Bart to the Future' mentioning Trump as president.

The narrative of the episode is a world if Martin Luther King had not been assassinated and can be viewed in its entirety below:

MegaAnon Drops Bombshell on Alex Jones

MegaAnon Drops Nuke On Alex Jones!

January 8, 2018 at 7:30pm

Source: Project Nsearch | By Glenn Canady

Steve Beckow -- Message from QAnon

Message from Q Anon

January 8, 2018

Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow

Steve is still on vacation. Just poking my head in.

Q Anon has given us a great deal of timely and accurate hints and information on what’s happening at the highest levels of government. He’s asked that this message get widespread circulation.

I’m led to believe that he’s an approved leaker (or leakers) from inside the White House.

I highly recommend following Q Anon’s “breadcrumbs” on Twitter, where he makes fairly-regular “drops” if you want to follow closely the rapid unfoldment of this Accountability phase of Ascension.

Incidentally, I don’t agree with everything Q says, particularly about President Obama. (1) Reader discretion is always advised,

Here is a typical Twitter message from Q Anon:

GS = George Soros

I was talking with a colleague yesterday who didn’t know what was going on so here is a brief “replay” for anyone else who’s somehow unaware.

On Dec. 21, 2017, President Donald Trump, by Executive Order, declared a national state of emergency against human-rights abusers and stated that their funds would be confiscated as would be the funds of everyone who collaborated with them. (2)

In one stroke of the pen, he changed the prevailing meme from being against terrorists and for national security to being against human-rights abuses and for human rights. Close the book on the phony war on terror.

Approaching 10,000 sealed indictments have been registered in the United States as part of the takedown of the cabal. (3)

These indictments are thought to cover child, human, gun, and drug trafficking, pedophilia, child sacrifice, bribery, corruption, and similar crimes.

Guantanamo Bay is being prepared to receive high-profile detainees. (4) High-ranking politicians like Hillary Clinton and John McCain are allegedly wearing orthopedic boots to hide ankle monitors. (5) Forty Representative and Senators have stated they are not standing for re-election. (6) Two-hundred CEOs from well-known firms are rumored to have resigned or retired. (7)

The cases against all of them have been worked upon by special counsellors and prosecutors from Patrick Fitzgerald to Robert Mueller. They’ve been put together consistent with human and universal law. The defendants will receive fair treatment and a sentence aimed at rehabilitation rather than punishment.

The takedown of the cabal is happening quickly. Those that attempt to flee on airplanes are seeing their airplanes turned back.

One thousand marines flew down to Guantanamo to man the base. Gen. Jim Mattis went down Dec. 21, the same day the President posted his EO. (8) It’s estimated that more than 44,000 troops worldwide are participating in taking down the cabal. (9)

The takedown is hoped to be rapid and conclusive. It’s being conducted in secrecy but approved leakers like Q Anon are keeping us (often cryptically) posted.


(1) However the claim that Obama is being blackmailed could in the end prove to have relevancde. I don’t know.

(2) Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption, Dec. 21, 2017, at

(3) “Benjamin Fulford Full Report: 10,000 Sealed Indictments to Take Down Khazarian Mob” Era of Light, n.d., at

(4) “Mass Arrest Rumors: Is Guantanamo Receiving ‘High Level’ American Prisoners? — Update,” Stillness in the Storm, Jan. 3, 2018, at; Dr. Michael Salla, “Global Elite taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications,”, January 3, 2018, at

(5) “What Happened… to your foot? Hillary Clinton spotted wearing surgical boot TWO MONTHS after breaking her toe falling down some stairs,” Dail Mail, Dec. 14, 2017, at; Mission Galactic Freedom at

(6) “List of U.S. Congress incumbents who are not running for re-election in 2018,” Ballotpedia, Jan. 7, 2018, at

(7) “CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CEO’S RESIGNING Sept-Dec.2017” at; “Are the 200+ Recently Resigned CEO’s on Trump’s List?” at

(8) Sophie Tatum and Ryan Browne, “Mattis visits troops at Guantanamo Bay base for holidays,”, Dec. 21, 2017, at

(9) “Benjamin Fulford,” ibid.

FIFTY8: The Unfolding -- Real Existence, The Dark Agenda, White Hats, Future Technology










Restored Republic via a GCR as of Jan. 10, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Jan. 10 2018

Compiled 12:26 am EDT 10 Jan. 2018 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery; Author, 'Twenty Two Faces,'

Source: Dinar Chronicles

A. Jan. 9 2018 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net712-770-4016 code:123456#

1. The Dinar rate was trading right now around $6.00.

2. Some time ago officials in Iraq said they thought the Dinar could support a rate of $16.00.

3. There was a possibility the rate could show in public tomorrow.

4. The Forex should show the live rates any time between now and the night of Jan. 14 (Sunday night).

5. There were well over 5,500 Exchange Centers in the US.

6. The Redemption Centers have the greatest ability to give you privately negotiated rates.

7. Redemption Centers should not charge you the 1.5% Exchange Fee.

8. Screen Rates showing at the time of redemption would not require an NDA, even on the Zim.

9. There were no zeros coming off the Zim.

10. You could ask for a negotiated rate if you have a humanitarian plan. Tell them how many people you could hire; how many people you could provide jobs or education for jobs. Will you project have longevity?

11. We were still looking at this week to receive the 800#s.

12. SKRs out West started paying out last Sat. and would continue until this Fri.

13. Paymasters were liquid and paying out groups.

14. Yesterday the Dong was trading just under $2.

15. If you were a Zim holder you had a bond which could be redeemed.

16. There would be no 80-20 deal with the Zim. You could dedicate whatever amount you wanted to humanitarian work.

17. On the long term payout for the Zim the interest did not have to be high (maybe only 2%-3%) in order for you to receive a great deal of money to reinvest into humanitarian work.

18. Intel has been blocked out for the last 60 hours. This is shortly to be ours.

B. Jan. 9 2018 9:54 pm EST: New Financial System - Foreign Currency - USN Exchange Rates - 1.9.18

USN Exchange Rates:
1.00 USN / 0.10 AFA = 10 AFN
1.00 USN / 0.05 IDR = 20 IDN
1.00 USN / 0.04 VND = 25 VNN
1.00 USN / 0.025 IQD = 40 IQN
1.00 USN / 0.02 IRR = 50 IRN
1.00 USN / ? ZWD = ? ZWN

C. Jan. 9 2017 1:18 pm EST: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for January 9, 2018

1. The RV front has gone quiet and sources aren't giving out information, indicating a possible intel blackout in effect.

2. The Alliance may be preparing for an offensive on the last remaining cabal elements.

D. Jan. 9 2018 11:45 am EST: (Video) Exposed: The Clinton's and the CIA, Trafficking Cocaine -- Documentary 

E. Jan. 8 2018 11:40 pm EST: Infographic of the Clinton Bodycount 

F. Jan. 8 2018 10:59 pm EST: Understanding the Hashtags of QAnon

G. Jan. 8 2018 10:59 pm EST: Anonymous' Thoughts at 4Chan -- Sanctuary Cities

H. Jan. 8 2018 9:17 pm EST: (Video) Destroying the Illusion 1.8 -- Trump Tower Fire | ConseQuential | Wikileaks and More

I. Jan. 9 2018 8:02 pm EST: (Video) Michael Flynn Reveals Deep State Secrets

Summary Updates for the last seven days:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 9, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 8, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 7, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 6, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 5, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 4, 2018

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 3, 2018

Snow in the Sahara Desert, Third Time in 40 Years

Source: Era of Light

‘Global Warming’ In The Sahara Desert: ‘We Woke Up To See SNOW!’

It snowed 16 inches in the Sahara Desert near the town Ain Sefra in Algeria after a storm hit on Sunday. This is the third time in 40 years that snow has fallen on the city.

Residents also awoke to snow in 2016 and 2017. But this time, they got about 16 inches of the white stuff. While the actual town of Ain Sefra only saw a few inches of snow, the sand dunes in the desert, which is on the outskirts of the town, were covered.

“We were really surprised when we woke up to see snow again. It stayed all day on Sunday and began melting at around 5 pm,” said Photographer Karim Bouchetata. When Bouchetata says “again”, the photographer is referring to another snowstorm not long ago. In 2016, the town known as “The Gateway to the Desertsaw deep snow shortly after Christmas and it caused chaos, with passengers stranded on buses after the roads became slippery and icy.

But children made the most of it, sledding down the desert sand dunes and building snowmen.

The cold snap comes as Europe and the United States froze in bitter temperatures. Winter Storm Grayson, battering the US east coast, has seen the sea freeze in Cape Cod, along with the Niagra Falls in stunning scenes.

“Cold air was pulled down south into North Africa over the weekend as a result of high pressure over Europe,” said a spokesman for the Met Office earlier. “The high pressure meant the cold weather extended further south than normal.” Ain Sefra is about 3,281 feet above sea level and surrounded by the Atlas Mountains.

The Sahara Desert covers most of Northern Africa and it has gone through shifts in temperature and moisture over the past few hundred thousand years. Although the Sahara is very dry today, it is expected to become green again in about 15,000 years and was green in the past. This change was blamed on “global warming” or “climate change.”

Ron Paul Institute Update: The Banality of Evil -- January 9, 2018

Just in case anyone was watching, what is really going on in North and South Korea may be peace breaking out – at just the right time – and the increasing irrelevance of the conventional US as the world chooses to evolve.

~ One Who Wonders

Bomb North Korea?

The Banality of Evil

Dear Friends of the Ron Paul Institute:

Dr. Paul and I were pretty happy to be able to do a good news story for our Liberty Report on Tuesday. The North and South Koreans met near the DMZ for some 12 hours and agreed on four very important points: First, the North would send a team to South Korea to participate in the Winter Olympics next month. A high-level delegation from the North would accompany the team and the South would allow them to enter even if the individuals were under sanctions. The two Koreas also agreed to follow up with bilateral talks with the aim of relieving military tensions on the Korean peninsula. Third, the two countries agreed to resolve 'national problems on our own,' which sounds like a statement addressed to Washington. Finally, they agreed to resume temporary reunions of families separated by war.

Just days before the meeting, US Defense Secretary James Mattis told the press that the North/South discussions would be about participation in the Olympics and nothing else. 'This is the sum total of subjects that are going to be discussed,' he said. He spoke with the South Korean defense minister before the North/South meeting and released a read-out of the call stating that the US and South Korea 'recognized the dangers of North Korea's reckless behavior.'

But by all accounts, Mattis got it wrong. South Korea did not limit its discussion with the North to simply Olympic sport nor did South Korea's post-meeting statement make mention of 'reckless behavior' by the North. In fact, the China People's Daily newspaper announced today that the North Korean Olympic team intends to march into the Olympics together with the South Korean team -- a symbolic yet dramatic development that is hard to ignore for those of us who could never have imagined the two Germanys ever reunifying.

As we remarked on our program, it increasingly appears that Washington's bullying tone and recalcitrant demands that North Korea concede all the cards it holds before being allowed to sit down at the table has rendered the US strangely irrelevant to the whole process. This is similar to US irrelevance in post-ISIS Syria, as years of blockheaded demands that 'Assad must go' have eliminated the US from any meaningful role in the political resolution of what remains of the Syrian crisis. Stomping on the ground making demands turns out to be ineffective when facts on the ground cannot be manipulated by sheer will (and arming of jihadist armies to push the point).

Similarly, the US has become much less relevant in the Israel/Palestinian conflict after President Trump's decision to infuriate the rest of the world and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

These are all very good things. The more the US becomes irrelevant in conflicts across the globe, the closer we get to a de-facto non-interventionist foreign policy. The State Department can bluster, the President can Tweet insults and demands, the National Security Advisors can threaten to huff and puff and blow their houses down, but the rest of the world is increasingly ignoring these unhelpful threats.

North and South Korea are talking and may soon do more. Syrians have looked to other allies to help fight ISIS and other externally-supported terrorist groups. Though still maintaining illegal bases in Syria, the US is backed into a corner with nothing to add and nowhere to go. The Palestinians and even the Israelis understand that the heavy hand of the US in their dispute looks more like a sign of weakness as the rest of the world just ignores its demands at the UN.

All good news for us -- the real patriots -- who wish to see the backs of the neocons and those who push anti-American, interventionist foreign policies.

But the neocons are not quite finished yet. That's where the title of this update comes in.

Writing in Foreign Policy -- the flagship publication of the Council on Foreign Relations -- just Monday, the warmongering neoconservative Edward Luttwak published an article titled, 'It's Time to Bomb North Korea.'

Because he does not expect that the North/South talks will produce the disarmament of North Korea, he argued in the piece that North Korea must be brought to heel by US bombs. His model for the US attack is Israel's strike on Iraq in 1981 on Syria in 2007, both of which obliterated nuclear facilities ensuring that only Israel would be a Middle East nuclear weapons power.

One by one the military 'expert' Luttwak assures us that such an attack will be a cakewalk. The North Koreans are almost surely bluffing about their capacity to hit the continental United States with a missile, he argues. Besides, he writes, there are probably only about three dozen facilities that would need bombed. 'Under no reasonable military plan would destroying those facilities demand thousands of airstrikes,' he assures us.

And the Chinese? Don't worry about them, writes Luttwak, they're actually on our side: 'Anybody who believes China would act on North Korea’s behalf in the event of an American attack against its nuclear installations has not been paying attention.' (In fact, China explicitly warned Washington that it would back North Korea if the US attacks first).

But what about a post-attack North Korea imploding, with millions of refugees pouring over the borders and untold misery? Not even worth worrying about, Luttwak tells us. Once North Korea has been brought to its knees by US bombs, it can be forcibly reunified with South Korea and the end result won't be much different than German reunification.

And the millions of South Koreans (and estimated quarter of a million Americans) living in range of North Korea's formidable retaliatory missile capabilities? Won't they be decimated in a holocaust not known for decades? No concern to Luttwak. They have it coming. Writes Luttwak:

It’s true that North Korea could retaliate for any attack by using its conventional rocket artillery against the South Korean capital of Seoul and its surroundings, where almost 20 million inhabitants live within 35 miles of the armistice line. U.S. military officers have cited the fear of a “sea of fire” to justify inaction. But this vulnerability should not paralyze U.S. policy for one simple reason: It is very largely self-inflicted.

'Self-inflicted.' The South Koreans have it coming.

Luttwak tells us that many defense experts (including himself) have advised South Korea for years to move its ministries and bureaucrats away from the northern border and to give incentives for the population to do so as well. To no avail. And South Korea has not bothered to invest in Iron Dome anti-missile batteries either.

So they have it coming. Millions will die but it's just tough luck. '[A]ny damage ultimately done to Seoul cannot be allowed to paralyze the United States in the face of immense danger to its own national interests,' Luttwak says.

And who provides for Luttwak's comfortable living as he pushes war and misery for others? Washington Beltway think-tankistan of course! Luttwak is a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a massive policy center drowning in cash from the military-industrial complex. A glance at their corporate donors tells the tale: Northrup-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Saudi Aramco, General Dynamics, General Electric, Raytheon, Booz Allen Hamilton, etc.

The military-industrial complex makes billions off of pointless wars, they plow millions back into Washington think tanks to purchase 'policy papers' and articles such as 'It's Time to Bomb North Korea,' and they get more wars and more billions.

It is evil. It wears a suit and tie. It even goes to church on Sundays. But it robs the future of millions overseas, it robs our future, it robs our children of any hope for security or prosperity as trillions are wasted and enemies multiplied.

Edward Luttwak should be called out for what he is: a monster inciting mass murder. A buttoned-up 'intellectual' who sees other people as less human and therefore less deserving of their lives.

Yet there he is, writing in mainstream publications, being treated as an 'expert' by the mainstream media. The mainstream-ization of extreme violence by warmongers like Luttwak comes back to us. Violence, mass-shootings, militarized police. It's all a cancer on our society that leads back to people like Luttwak. People who hide their evil behind the banality of a keyboard.

We are doing our part to fight back against the neocons and we are making progress. We will not allow their lies to go unchallenged. We will not allow their evil to prevail. Please help us amplify our voice with a tax-deductible donation to the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Let's work together for a better, neocon-free future.

Thank you very much for your continued support for peace and prosperity.

Sincerely yours,

Daniel McAdams
Executive Director
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

Joe Arpaio

When I began reading about Trump's Joe Arpaio pardon, I knew nothing about it.  Upon reading many different articles with many different viewpoints on the topic, I have learned that because Joe Arpaio was unfairly being to harsh and violating civil rights of immigrants through his work as a border control officer in direct violation with federal orders, he had gotten himself into trouble, but president Trump made it so that he no longer had to face consequences for his actions.  In my opinion, although I believe that Trump had every right to pardon this man, I think that pardoning someone who is in trouble for violating civil rights is insane.  It is not only super unusual, but also in my opinion, morally wrong.  As said by Greg Stanton, the Democratic mayor of Phoenix in a CNN article,'Joe Arpaio illegally targeted and terrorized Latino families.'  Clearly this is not someone that the public should have to see being granted favors by the president.  I feel that this man did not deserve this pardon because if you have been specifically warned to stop violating people's civil rights, you do not deserve any more chances if you keep doing so.  By pardoning this man, Trump is sending a hateful message to Americans and showing support for harsh tactics being used on immigrants, even by people with reputations for being too harsh on immigrants.  The central issue her is not whether or not this pardon was allowed, but whether or not this pardon was something that Trump should really be focusing on amidst natural disasters and threats of bombings from North Korea.  Also, as said in an article by The Atlantic's James Fallows, 'The immediate significance is that the United States is in the middle of disputes for which Joe Arpaio is a precise and destructive symbol', explaining that by pardoning this man, America is being shown that fighting immigrants is more important in America than upholding civil rights for all people.  I believe that the president has more important things to do than to make the people of America feel as though they are not supported by their own president by pardoning racist people from receiving the consequences they deserve.